Parking & Valet

Premium Parking Breakdown

Hourly Daily Weekly
Parking Price $5.43 $27.17 $163.02
Public Safety Surcharge** $ - $3.63 $21.76
Sales Tax $0.57 $3.20 $19.22
Total Parking Price $6.00 $34.00 $204.00
* Flat daily rates begin on the second day. Lost tickets will be paid at flat daily rate.
** Propeller Airports Paine Field imposes a surcharge for a portion of the cost of law enforcement and firefighting services at its facilities. Surcharge only applies for daily rate.

Economy Parking Breakdown

Hourly Daily Weekly
Parking Price $5.43 $18.11 $126.79
Public Safety Surcharge** $ - $3.63 $25.39
Sales Tax $0.57 $2.26 $15.83
Total Parking Price $6.00 $24.00 $168.00
* Flat daily rates begin on the second day. Lost tickets will be paid at flat daily rate.
** Propeller Airports Paine Field imposes a surcharge for a portion of the cost of law enforcement and firefighting services at its facilities. Surcharge only applies for daily rate.

Parking rates are subject to change. For inquires and additional parking information, please contact (425) 299-9375, (425) 299-6313, or email us at